Surviving the Family Business as an SOB*
(*Son of the Boss)
An epic family saga.
A story for the ages…
Written with great honesty and grace, Sons in the Shadow explores the quintessential American entrepreneur and the fascinating insights into the Park family's multi-generational media empire while they navigate the ever-changing world of TV, radio, publishing and outdoor advertising in the mid to late 20th Century. Additionally, Park-Hines Foods became one of the first franchisers in the nation by creating the Duncan Hines cake mix line.
Sons in the Shadow exemplifies the American spirit providing an educational adventure into the world of high-powered business while divulging how the joys and tensions of family dynamics were intertwined in daily work life and in the forging of one of the most successful media empires in the country. As told from Roy H. Park, Jr., — son of Fortune 400 business owner Roy H. Park, who rose up from modest beginnings on the farm to building an advertising empire that reached 25% of Americans before his death in 1993 — Sons in the Shadow is a story about capitalism, free enterprise and the complicated relationship between father and son. Perhaps more importantly, it is a tale of a son's creativity, resilience and perseverance, learning the art of forgiveness, and the study of the human soul.
"Sons in the Shadow is an important contribution to the historical record of media and business in 20th century America and makes it clear that by serving others through enterprise and public service, one's impact will reverberate for generations to come."
—Roger Ream, President, Fund for American Studies, D.C
"Congratulations on a splendid book — one that should be a text in every MBA program. However, business is a lot more than a bunch of numbers. Everything in life is about people. We're never done with our study of people. And Park has written a great one."
—P.J. O'Rourke
"Excellent read. Very well written and a fascinating look inside the family dynamics of one of the original media empires. Be prepared to sit a while because it is very difficult to put down."
—Max Drachmen, CEO, Drachmen M&A, Arizona
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